Happiness is not found it's created.

Happiness is not found, it is created. Happiness does not depend on all that we lack, but on how we use all that we have.
            - Arnaud Desjardins.

What is happiness? Happiness is defined and understood in different ways by different people. Although, there can be no exact definition of it. For someone reading books can be Happiness but for someone it can be completely boring while traveling and visiting new places make them feel good. So, we can say that it's the state of mind which we feel when we have what we desire. Most of us believe that the want of a specific wish would make happiness in life, however, it may not be so. Even though this simple word has a lot of meaning hidden in it, many of us fail to understand the real one.

1.You are who you believe you are.
 Your mind is a powerful force. The thoughts that fill our minds tend to appear in our reality. The way you see yourself, your beliefs about yourself, and your doubts about your abilities, are reflected in the 'I' you project into the world. If you are always doubting yourself, you are sure to fail. If you feel not smart enough, clean enough, strong enough, sharp enough, or any other "sufficient" you can think of, your destiny, full of failure I am writing my destiny. You will succeed if you believe in yourself and know that you can do more than you know. If you feel you have succeeded, you will succeed. Doubting ourselves makes ourselves the worst enemy.
2. Get out of your comfort zone
This always embarrasses me. People want change, but when they want to change and are allowed to believe, they reject new attempts. They reject change. You can dream of everything you need. You can never achieve your dreams in action. Most of us enjoy staying in a comfortable area. There is a good reason. It's comfortable. The truth of the matter is that change is by definition never completely relaxed. Of course, certain minor changes can be made with minimal discomfort. But if you're trying to change your life and make your dreams a reality, it's no small feat. Afraid of leaving your comfort zone, leaving what you know to be safe and afraid of the unknown will stagnate you. If changes are necessary, you must break through the limits you set yourself and explore.

3. Set achievable goals
Anything is possible, but let's do it. Nothing goes from bankruptcy to billionaire until the end of the month unless you win the lottery. You can't be six-packs from 100 pounds overweight by the weekend. Even liposuction can't. If you want to avoid failure, set yourself a goal that you can achieve. Failing to be lazy with little cognitive experience and failing to break the laws of nature in what you plan are two different things. Failure is part of learning and part of growth. You cannot expect success without experiencing failure in the process. If it doesn't succeed first, try and try again. 

4. Stay optimistic. 
You may sound silly, but thinking positively really makes all the difference. You are optimistic when things are going smoothly, you do things that are simple but rewarding to keep going, and you know that things don't always go as planned. There are ups and downs in life. There are good days and bad days. The important thing is to focus on all those good things whenever you experience a bad day. Whenever you are in a slump, think happy thoughts, be optimistic, and do not tolerate continuing to doubt your abilities. There are always better days. 

5. Don't try because you can't control everything
Life is a wave. It doesn't mean to be controlled, it means to ride. One of the things you can control is yourself: your thoughts and your actions. The rest of the world works on its own. Not only is trying to control every aspect of life ineffective, but it is also incredibly stressful and frustrating. Don't worry about being out of control. Control yourself and life can always find a way to handle everything that gets in your way. Adapted to difficult situations. 

6. Balance your life. 
 As we've all heard before, good things are too bad. Life gives us so much, and we don't allow ourselves to spend all our time and energy on one particular thing or task. If you want to live a happy life, you must live a balanced life. Introduce all that life has to offer but do so in moderation. Try new things that allow you to say you lived. I need various materials to be happy. You cannot succeed as one material is abundant Happiness demands not only mental health and prosperity but also physical and well-being. You are not just your thoughts. You are not just your body. You are a combination of the two and to be happy, both your body and mind must work at peak performance.