Tokyo Olympics 2021

Tokyo Olympics 2021
The opening of the Tokyo Olympics was done by Emperor Naruhito on 23rd Aug 2021 and ended on 8th August 2021. The Host city was Tokyo, which included 11,656 athletes from all over the world and 206 Nations participated in the Tokyo Olympics. India sent 126 athletes to participate in the Tokyo Olympics. India ranks 48th at the Olympics Medal Table

Medalist from India :- 

Neeraj Chopra - Gold in Men's Javelin Throw

Saikhom Mirabai Chanu - Silver in Women's 49 Kg Weightlifting

Ravi Kumar Dahiya - Silver in Men's freestyle 57kg Wrestling

P.V Sindhu - Bronze in Badminton

Lovlina Borgohain - Bronze in Women's Welterweight Boxing 

Indian Hockey Team - Bronze in Men's tournament Field Hockey

Bajrang Punia - Bronze in Men's freestyle 65kg Wrestling

Congratulations to all the athletes