Being FREE beyond FREEDOM
1 minute read
Independence is one word
Which contains 12 alphabets
But thousands of emotion
For everyone
The simple and sorted meaning
Of Independence is freedom
But have you ever tried
To find the true meaning of freedom?
Have you ever wondered
That even after being independent
In front of the law
Are we truly free
Are we truly free
While still being in the cage
Of conservative mentality
Negative thoughts
And thousands of fears?
Are we truly free
While still being in the hold of a conservative mentality
That allows us to think bad about someone else?
That conservative mentality never lets us think out of the box
That conservative mentality
Never allows us to accept the logic over our traditions
Are we truly free
While still being in the hold
Of those negative thoughts
Which never let us think positively
Not just about someone else but also about ourselves?
Those negative thoughts
Not just restrict our freedom
But also holds others from getting their freedom
Are we truly free
while still living with our fears?
Our fear of getting rejected
Our fear of being failed
Our fear of not being able to achieve Our dreams
Our fear of not being treated well
Our fear of standing out in front of a crowd
Our fear of not being able to speak our minds loud
Are we truly free
To be called an independent
When we know
That we are the only reason
Behind this half Independent of ours
We are free
According to the Constitution and laws
But, Are we truly free
While holding ourselves back with
Our flaws