Yin and Yang - A Perfect Match

Have you ever heard of opposites attract? 
I have and I always use to think that how does it work or how do they attract but now I got to know that they do not just attract but also complete each other and also make a perfect match.

The best way to understand this opposite attracts and a perfect match is Yin and Yang. Two halves that together complete wholeness. Yin and Yang are interdependent upon each other so the one requires the other to be complete. The Yin and Yang are a nature of soul and spirit.

Yin is the receptive and Yang the active principle. Their characteristics are :
Yin negative/passive/female principle in nature.Yang positive/active/male principle in nature.
We can see Yin and Yang examples in our daily life.
For example night and day, black and white, life and death, or matter and emptiness.

The Yin and Yang symbol might show a circle made up of black and white swirls, each other containing a spot of the other but its deep meaning is the balance between good and bad. It shows that how two totally opposite things not just handle each other with their respective Powers but also complete each other in a way that nothing else can do.

Every person holds both Yin and Yang in itself because if there is bad then the good is also there.
And to the one who completes me : 
You might be the yin in our relationship according to you
But let me tell you one thing
You are the Yang for all the Yins inside me.