4 minute read
A disorder, which is very often also called a mental illness or impairment, is abnormal functioning of the mind that causes severe distress to an individual.
There can be various causes :
•Faulty genes
•Lack of deprivation
•Maladaptive family structure
•Faulty parenting
•Maternal deprivation
•Endocrine imbalances in neuro-transmitters
It refers to a state of the very unpleasant feeling of fear and apprehension. Anxiety is considered excessive when it arises in the absence of challenges or stress when it is out of proportion or when it results in distress or impairment in social, biological, and occupational functioning. High order of anxiety that is distressing and interfering with effective functioning indicates the presence of anxiety disorder. It's a state of uneasiness.
A. Rapid heartbeat
B. Shortness of breath
C. Diarrhea
D. Sweating
E. Frequent urination
F. Fainting
G. Loss of aptitude
H. Sleeplessness
It consists of prolonged vague and intense fear which is not attached to any particular object. It includes excessive worry about life circumstances for at least six months
A. Motor tension
B. Restlessness
C. Hypervigilance
D. Increased application
E. Trembling and shaky body
It is characterized by a short period of intense fear which can range from minutes to hours. People believe that they are dying or going crazy. These attacks are often unexpected that do not appear to be identifiable aspects of the immediate situation. Panic attacks denote an abrupt surge of intense anxiety rising to its peak when thoughts of particular stimuli are present.
A. Trembling
B. Chest pain
C. Nausea
D. Palpitation
E. Shortness of breath
F. Choking
Phobia refers to an irrational feat related to specific people, objects, or situations. It usually begins with generalized anxiety disorder. Such irrational fear may be realistic as well. Some common phobias are :
Zoophobia: it is a fear of animals
Agrobhobia: fear of public places or unfamiliar situations
Hydrophobic: fear of water etc,
In this disorder, an individual experiences excessive anxiety or even panic experienced because of being separated from their parents. Children may have difficulty in going somewhere alone, are fearful of entering new situations, and cling to the shadow of their parents. They may fuse, throw severe tantrums or make suicidal gestures.
People with OCD are unable to control their preoccupations with specific ideas and are unable to prevent themselves from repeatedly carrying out a particular act which affects their ability for normal thinking.
OBSESSION: It refers to an unpleasant and unwanted thought, idea, mental image, that keeps coming to mind despite efforts to resist it. Eg- killing a loved one or wondering if the gas stove has been put off or not.
COMPULSION: It is a need to perform a certain behavior over and over again. Due to obsession, a compulsive act or series of such acts are performed by the patients
Eg- counting, checking, mentally residing a series of numbers, etc.
Dissociation involves feelings of unreality, estrangement, Fe personalization, and sometimes loss or shift of reality. They are sudden temporary alterations of consciousness that blot out painful experiences.
It is characterized by extensive but selective memory loss that has no known organic cause. Some people cannot remember anything about their past, others don't remember specific events, people, and objects while other memories remain intact. It is associated with overwhelming stress.
It is also known as multiple personality disorder. It is associated with traumatic experiences in childhood. The person assumes alternate personalities that may or may not be aware of each other. It is a psychiatric disorder characterized by having at least one alter personality that controls behavior.
It is an unexpected journey away from home and the workplace. A person assumes having a new personality and is unable to recall the previous one.