

continued from "was it, love?"

We treat the physical injuries

That is visible to us

But what about heartbreaks, pain

The pain of losing someone

It is a kind of scar that isn't visible

Usually, people are just behind us

And we don't know how actually they feel

We don't see that pain they feel.

We don't see How broken they are.

They may require help

To help such a person one need a lot of courage

And also, the person should accept that he/she is broken.

Even if you try your best to overcome over

The things you have lost

Still, there will apiece

A of it left in us

somewhere deep down of our heart

And that one piece is enough to create the tornado of

memories within you!

Memories don't hurt

What actually hurt is the person

The person who is only in your memories

But now with you.

Now I’m 20

Now I want to fall in love

I know there is no one to hold

If I fall


I want to fall

Fall for someone

I want to love

I want to be loved

Loved by someone in the same way I do

But the thing we all ignore is

Love begins with self(ourselves)

And end with others

We all skip the beginning and try to jump to the end


After losing two people I realized it.

Now I happened to meet this girl

By name Maisha

I said I don’t believe in love at first sight

With her, it was like hate at first sight

Is it necessary to fall in love we should always have a good start?

We were like two opposite poles

The only difference was that

We weren’t attracted like them.

Days passed

Our anger rose towards each other with time

All of a sudden, she perished

That was the time I realized

It was her in my thoughts

From morning’s sunrise till the sunset

It were her memories

That kept me awake the whole night

It was her arguments that kept me moving on

Instead of crying over failed love stories.

It was her that my eyes always searched for

And that instant

A part of me cried knowing that a part of me lied

The only thing that my heart desired then

Was just a sight of her

After a wait of a month

She came back

I ran

Ran like a boy who found his lost mother

The problem doesn’t end here

In fact, the problem begins here

Because I’m the one who is in love

So here it’s how my typical one-sided

Love story begins.

One sided love is like

Seeing sun in the night sky

It’s not visible

But it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist.

A love story isn’t only that

Where two people fall in love with each other

And make promises for being together forever.

Sometimes people fall in alone

Later the other person may fall.

All you need is efforts

How much efforts you can make to talk with someone you love

How much effort you can do to see the happiness in the eyes of the person you love.

And the day when you had made enough efforts

To be with the person you deserve

You’ll see them holding your hand in the crowd

And believe me that day

Will be different

For you