It's ok to cry

Crying is all right in its way while it lasts.  But you have to stop it sooner or later, and then you still have to decide what to do

            -   C.S Lewis 

Crying can also be positive:- 

  • Helps you to move on:- It's ok to break down and cry, It will make you feel better. Never try to suppress your emotions. It's really important to open up, share your feelings with someone. Pretending to be okay doesn't solve your problem. Carrying around emotional baggage can affect your mental health. It causes overthinking. So cry it and let it go. 

  • Tears help you release Stress:-It's believed that Crying releases stress hormones or toxins from the body. When you cry, you relax stress as your body begins to relax. If you think you can pretend to be strong enough, just because of what people around you will think about you. That's not the right thing to do. It's an emotional connection with the world. 

  • Helps you feel better when in depression:- It's scientifically proven that Crying makes you feel better. Crying rarely makes you feel worse than before. Crying can help you to regulate the highs and lows of emotional extremes happening in your life.  You shouldn't feel embarrassed to cry, Actually crying helps your mental health. So it's okay to cry. 

  • It's a sign of Strength:- It Doesn't matter what society says, but the truth is Crying helps you to relax. Crying is not just about crying, it describes your unsaid words, undescribed pain which cannot be described in any words. 

  • Many health benefits:- Tears release toxins and kill bacteria. Your body's natural defense mechanism against all germs found in common public places. Tears help us to get rid of foreign elements. Our body will protect us from bacteria by taking necessary measures. 

When you can't cry freely, how can you laugh freely? So just don't try to control your emotions. If you are angry with someone just say your problem to them, if you want to cry, then just cry. It's fine to open up to your emotions. Cry it out, how much you want to cry, just cry but sooner or later you have to stop it and don't cry for the same reason ever.Crying - A simple act that is often seen as a weakness by society, but strengthens us. 

Facts about "CRYING":-

  • Tears clear your eyes of debris and allow light to enter your eyes so you can see

  • People who are anxious or neurotic cry more frequently and more easily than others

  • Crying can be involuntary. In neurological conditions, PLC- Pathological Laughing and Crying can occur at inappropriate times. PLC is a symptom of Alzheimer's disease

  • Psychogenic tears are shed for emotional reasons. It differs in composition from other tears

  • Crying is healthy but if left unnoticed can cause physical effects such as cardiovascular diseases, stress-related disorders